Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is New Orleans own special holiday. The entire city shuts down while the rest of the country operates just like it is any other day. Mardi Gras is hard to comprehend without actually experiencing it firsthand. Most people who live outside of the state (or at least everyone I talked to) do not realize that Mardi Gras is more than just a one day celebration. People were confused, and then amazed, when I kept talking about going to parades for a good two weeks. Trying to explain to them that there was more than one parade a night (sometimes up to three back to back!) confused them even more. Then questions came on how the parades were different, who paid for them and what they were like quickly followed.

My favorite parade of the Mardi Gras season was Muses. They were by far one of the larger and magnificently done parades, which is all even more impressive knowing that they are a more recently formed Krewe. The all female Krewe had different and interesting throws, elaborately decked out floats, and most importantly -- shoes! The Krewe is known for their signature item of handing out shoes. These are not just any shoes, mind you. They are decorated with glitter, ribbon and gems. Sintha and I were each able to catch two, bringing the total for the group to four, enough for us each to get one. The type of shoes also have a wide range; I caught the cutest kid shoe and a flip flop, while Sintha caught a high heel and a platform. Along with shoes they threw "re-musable" shopping bags, handheld electric fans with words spinning across it, watches,

My first Mardi Gras was definitely a unique experience and I highly recommend everyone experience it at least once in their lifetime.

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