Anyways, so yeah I grabbed some random articles of clothing that I knew I wouldn't wear anytime soon. I skipped over to Buffalo Exchange, hoping for at least a $20 profit in order to buy this semi formal dress I saw there that was only $16! I get there and they keep adding numbers and by the time I'm done...they tell me I get either $86 in cash or $128 tax free in exchange money. First of I think my jaw might have dropped when they told me. I figured I'd get the dress and just look around to see if I wanted another thing. Poor logic on my part, especially since Shadoe claims I am illogical. Or moreso, just not following a normal person's thought process. He clearly doesn't mean I'm weird by that statement though. Yeah, so I looked around and before you know it...I walked out with $-0.25 in cash. Yeah, well it might have been before you know it. But I sure spent 3 hours there, so I sure knew it. I spent all $128 of exchange money and paid $0.25 for like 6 new dresses and 4 new tops. Ridiculous. And yet, somehow still doesn't solve my problem of having too many clothes. So ideally, it has the potential to save my problems...if I just want it to happen, which I clearly don't still. So I've pretty much been hooked to the store since then. The workers there are probably the most interesting part about the store. They all have a trendy, hipster, bohemian, completely random mix of styles. I think a requirement to work there is having a piercing, a tattoo, or a paschmina scarf. So basically, I'm in love with this store. And I really wish we had one in the Carolinas!
In the mean's a picture of my Buffalo Exchange outfit (well really just the skirt and vest are from there) that I rocked while in Carolina. =) The skirt is my favorite right now. Or at least favorite of the ones I have photographic documentation of thus far. Word. Yeah, we're all doing the Hans-y face.

Currently Listening to: Buffalo Buffalo by Nurses Call the Shots...shoutout to Shadoedoe and Daniel!
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