^Look at that! Isn't that intimidating! I know friends who even go out and buy scrap book supplies! I don't even know what that means! One day though, I plan to document my university hopping adventures of Tulane, Clemson and UNC. One day. Til then, I'm all over that Walgreen's deal because it's "as cool as a fan." I mean, that's a badass deal right there.
In the mean time, I need to figure out a way to renew my driver's license before it expires on my birthday in early May...without actually having to return to my home state SC. My adventures continue. Speaking of adventures, during our UNC road trip...T.I.'s song "Dead and Gone" played towards the very end of our trip there, and then again on our way back...and I was totally feeling it. "Ohhh, I've been traveling on this road too long, just trying to find my way back home..." Sigh. It was perfect. Ironically, I didn't realize Justin Timberlake was doing the chorus and Mariama didn't realize that T.I. was rapping. But we both did separately realize we love the song.
Currently listening to: Dead and Gone by T.I. featuring Justin Timberlake
Currently Watching: the time go by as I get back to my nocturnal habits
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